Whitney Snyder
Whitney Snyder is a Paralegal with the Like Law Group LLC. Whitney has worked in the legal field since 2006 and joined our firm in 2009. Whitney works in all areas of the firm’s practice. In addition to her paralegal duties, Whitney is our funding coordinator and also oversees our Client Care Membership Program. Under attorney supervision, she assists clients with the important steps of getting their trust funded and coordinating beneficiary designations to help ensure a client’s estate plan works as designed.
Whitney is a 2006 graduate of Franklin College where she earned her Bachelor’s Degree in Sociology (criminal justice track). In 2007 she enrolled in Ivy Tech to pursue her Associates Degree in Paralegal Studies. During her time at Ivy Tech, she was invited into the Phi Theta Kappa honor society and graduated Manga Cum Laude in 2008.
Whitney lives in Ellettsville with her husband, Andy, and their cat Basel.