College Student Protection Plan™

Are You Prepared?

If you are like most parents you are concerned about being allowed to get information, and make decisions, about your young adult college student in case of a medical emergency. Without the correct written authority, you may be unable to get information about your child because of the medical privacy laws. You see, your child is now an adult in the eyes of the law and his/her information is private unless your child authorizes a medical provider to share that information. Obviously, that can become a big problem if your child cannot give authorization due to some emergency.

The good news is that our team at the Like Law Group has created the College Student Protection Plan™ which will ensure you legally will be able to get information and make decisions for your college age student in any situation. Take this time while your student is at home, or before your recent high school graduate heads off to college this fall, to get this important planning done.

Our Process

We have a process that will make this easy for both you and your student.  Here is what to do. First, call our Practice Manager, Jennifer Price @ 812-323-8300 or email her to set a phone or video appointment to get started. Second, we will help guide you and your child on the decisions that are needed which will also allow us to prepare the documents. Third, we will get your child the completed legal documents with instructions on properly executing them, or they can come to our office for us to oversee the proper execution.

What’s Included

Included in this plan will be the legal documents to ensure you can get access to all needed information and be able to make important health care and financial decisions if the need arises, all without the stress and expense that might be incurred if a court had to be involved.  We will include a medical power of attorney, HIPAA medical privacy authorization, living will, and financial power of attorney, as well as detailed instructions on how to execute these documents. If you chose, we can oversee the execution and provide the needed witnesses and notary.

Not Just for College Students

And, by the way, even though we are calling this the College Student Protection Plan™, this applies to all young adults regardless of whether they are in school or not. So, if you have a young adult child give us a call.  We can help.

Please Share this Information

Finally, if you know someone that has young adult children please pass this along to them. We would love to help them too!