The Wealth Counselor

Fall Cleanup Checklist for You and Your Clients 

November is a season of transition. Days are growing darker and cooler, school is back in full swing, summer clothes are packed away, the pool is covered, and anticipation is building about the upcoming holidays.  This is the perfect time to take stock of the year that was and tie up loose ends prior to […]

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We Can Be Our Own Football Team

Football is by far the most popular sport in America and has been for over five decades.1 In an age of fractured media and streaming services, football’s ability to draw a huge audience on any given Sunday (or Saturday, for college fans) makes it a defining aspect of American culture. Its influence is felt in […]

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What Your Clients Need to Know About Transferring Their Season Tickets 

Football is king in the United States. According to Gallup polling, football has been America’s favorite sport to watch since 1972. Even today, 41 percent of adults say their preference is to watch football, with baseball coming in at 10 percent and basketball at 9 percent1.    NFL and college teams draw huge audiences on television […]

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Lessons in Estate Planning from Rain Man

Rain Man, starring Tom Cruise and Dustin Hoffman, was a critical and commercial success, winning four Academy Awards and two Golden Globes while becoming the highest-grossing film of 1988. A drama about odd-couple brothers and personal transformation told through a road trip motif, Rain Man also raises some estate planning issues in an entertaining way.  […]

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Wealth, Legacy, and Family Drama: Inside The Descendants

When you are discussing the importance of estate planning with clients, one strategy is to present statistics, such as the oft-repeated data point that only around one-third of Americans have an estate plan—despite almost two-thirds of them saying that estate planning is important.1  But most people think in stories—not in statistics. Research suggests that we […]

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